Foods To Avoid With Periodontal Disease

7 Foods To Avoid With Periodontal Disease

When we discuss oral health, many individuals are familiar with the fundamental guidelines: maintaining a twice-daily brushing routine, flossing regularly, and reducing sugar consumption.

However, when it comes to periodontitis, a significant number of people lack knowledge about its causes and preventive measures.

Periodontitis is an infection of the alveolar bone and gums, which surround the teeth.

Periodontitis is an infection of the alveolar bone and gums, which surround the teeth. The inflammation of the gums typically begins as gingivitis, but proper treatment can prevent it from developing into a serious medical disease. The infection begins to erode the bone beneath your teeth, leading to increased looseness and the risk of premature tooth loss.

Periodontal disease (PD)

Periodontal disease (PD) is the sixth most prevalent disease in the world, with a global prevalence of 45–50% and a severe variant affecting 11% of the population. A public health issue is the high prevalence of PDs in adults, seniors, and teenagers. 

PDs are inflammatory, immunological, and multifactorial disorders of the mouth brought on by oral microbes.

Furthermore, nutrient selection significantly impacts periodontal problems of all ages. Maintaining the synergy between oral bacteria and periodontal health is largely dependent on balanced eating. (1)

Foods To Avoid With Periodontal Disease

The following foods should be avoided or consumed in moderation for managing periodontal disease:

Acidic Foods:

Acidic foods create an optimal environment for bacterial growth and other harmful microorganisms. 

Consuming foods like pickled vegetables, citrus fruits, black coffee, and tea can escalate inflammation, worsen the condition of periodontal disease, and hinder the effectiveness of treatment.


It’s recommended to stay away from sugary foods if you have periodontal disease. Tooth decay and gum disease can worsen due to the consumption of sugar.

Don’t just limit your vigilance to candies and desserts; there are other unsuspecting culprits to avoid too. 

Keep an eye out for foods like white bread, fruit yogurt, pasta sauce, and even peanut butter, as they can all hide high amounts of sugar. Always read the label before consuming anything.

Cold Foods and Beverages:

Consuming cold meals and beverages or eating them can be quite painful if you have periodontal disease. This illness affects the nerves in your teeth and gums.


Foods heavy in carbohydrates or starches also promote the growth of harmful microbes, which exacerbates gum recession and raises the risk of gum disease and tooth decay.


Alcohol consumption can affect your health in a variety of ways. Alcohol plays a significant impact in periodontal disease and is the second biggest cause of oral cancer in terms of oral health. 

As we previously mentioned, drinking alcohol can cause your mouth to become dry, which reduces your body’s ability to fight off oral bacteria. 

Hard and Crunchy Foods:

Hard and crunchy foods like nuts, popcorn, and hard sweets should be avoided while treating sensitive gums. These objects have the potential to be abrasive and cause extra damage to your gums.

High Sodium Foods or Processed Foods:

High-sodium food or processed food causes inflammation and has an adverse effect on gums health


Maintaining optimal dental health requires dedication by limiting the consumption of these foods and beverages, along with practicing regular brushing, flossing, and attending dental checkups, you can actively support your dental health and enjoy positive results.

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