Foods to avoid with ulcerative colitis (UC)

Foods To Avoid With Ulcerative Colitis – Top 10

An inflammatory, long-lasting condition that affects the colon and rectum is ulcerative colitis (UC). It is one of the two main inflammatory bowel illnesses, the other is Crohn’s disease. In the colon of ulcerative colitis (UC) patients, lesions occur known as ulcers. But on the other hand, IBD affects around 3 million Americans. In the same way, the likelihood of being diagnosed with Crohn’s disease is doubled in people who smoke regularly.

Diet is an Important Factor in Ulcerative Colitis (UC):

Diet is also an important factor In ulcerative colitis (UC) patients. Even so, it’s frequently advised to stay away from particular food that can worsen or cause symptoms. However, it’s crucial to keep in mind that different people may have different trigger foods.
Below is a list of foods to avoid ulcerative colitis diseases.

Top 11 Foods To Avoid with Ulcerative Colitis:

1- Nuts

Even if you follow a low-fiber diet for ulcerative colitis (UC), you should avoid eating nuts, because nuts’ fiber can be particularly difficult to digest. Hence, avoid consuming the following nuts:

2- Caffeine

energy drinks
These all contain caffeine, which can speed up the colon and increase bathroom visits.

3– Seeds

Like nuts, seeds can also aggravate symptoms. Seeds are a type of insoluble fiber, which can cause bloating, diarrhea, gas, and other irritating side effects.

Some seeds to avoid include:

sesame seeds
pine nuts
sunflower seeds
pumpkin seeds
wild rice

4- Fatty Foods

Anyone who has ulcerative colitis should stay away from high-fat meals like butter, fatty meats, coconut, fried, or greasy dishes. So, limiting the following foods can help people manage UC in remission and reduce the severity of flares:

coconut and other oils
fried foods

5- Alcohol

Some patients who suffer from UC; may experience diarrhea if they drink any form of alcohol. so, you should avoid alcohol.

6- High Fiber Vegetable

High-fiber, stringy and raw vegetables, such as onions, celery, broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts might make you feel bloated, gassy, and crampy.

7- Spicy Foods

Chilis, hot peppers, and hot sauces are examples of spicy cuisine. A flare-up could be brought on or made worse by spicy meals.

8- Carbonated Beverages

Some people who consume carbonated beverages may have gas or bloating, which could make their abdominal pain worse. Caffeine is present in various sodas and fizzy energy drinks, which may have a stimulating effect on the intestines and potentially worsen diarrhea.

9- Dairy

Dairy products should be limited or avoided in individuals with colitis.

10- Whole Grain Cereals

If you have UC, whole grain bread and cereals are difficult to digest and might cause flare-ups. Stay away from all types of pasta, macaroni, and noodles.

11-Artificial Sweeteners

Sorbitol and mannitol are two artificial sweeteners that should be avoided because it also irritates the lining of the intestine.

If you have ulcerative colitis, managing your diet can reduce symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. For that reason, avoiding dairy, spicy foods, artificial sweeteners, carbonated beverages, and high-fiber vegetables will help you in many ways.


It’s also a good idea to follow certain general eating habits, such as eating smaller meals throughout the day and fully chewing your food to cope with the situation of ulcerative colitis. Therefore, anyone looking to switch diets should talk with a Nutritionist or Dietitian first.

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