spearmint tea for pcos

Benefits of Spearmint Tea For PCOS – Does It Actually Works?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a reproductive disorder that affects women in various ways. It’s characterized by high androgen levels, insulin issues, and irregular ovulation, often leading to fertility problems.

While the exact cause is still unclear, several factors like genetics, insulin resistance, cortisol metabolism, stress, and excess androgen production play a role in PCOS development.

The main challenge in PCOS is irregular ovulation caused by hormonal imbalances. Women with PCOS have higher levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) and lower levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) compared to normal or healthy women. Notable signs of PCOS ovaries include follicle accumulation, the absence of corpus luteum, and increased ovarian volume.

In the treatment of PCOS, various medicines like metformin, clomiphene citrate, glucocorticoids, and aromatase inhibitors such as anastrozole are commonly recommended.

However, some of these medications may lead to side effects like nausea, abdominal pain, and vaginal bleeding. Due to these concerns, there is an increasing interest in exploring the use of herbal medicines to manage PCOS.

Spearmint for PCOS

Spearmint has been found to have an anti-androgenic effect, leading to a significant reduction in testosterone levels when used in the treatment of PCOS patients.

Women with PCOS experienced a decrease in androgen levels after consuming spearmint hydroalcoholic extract. Another study revealed that spearmint had positive effects on individuals suffering from hirsutism, resulting in reduced levels of FSH, LH, and DHEA. (1)

What The Research Says About Spearmint Tea For PCOS:

Recent studies conducted in Turkey found that spearmint possesses antiandrogenic properties in females with hirsutism. Hirsutism, a common issue in PCOS, caused by elevated androgen levels, can be challenging both cosmetically and psychologically.

This study involved 42 individuals who drank spearmint tea or a placebo tea for 30 days. The spearmint tea group experienced a significant decrease in free and total testosterone levels, while LH and FSH levels increased. Individuals also reported a reduction in their self-assessed hirsutism, but this was not reflected in objective evaluations.

While spearmint’s antiandrogenic qualities are promising, more research is needed due to the complex interactions between hormones, hair development, and cell turnover time. The study duration was relatively short, and hirsutism takes time to improve. Further investigations with longer durations are recommended to better understand spearmint’s potential as a natural treatment for hirsutism. (2)

What is Spearmint tea?

Spearmint tea is a caffeine-free herbal tea derived from the leaves of the spearmint plant (Mentha Spicata Labiatae). Extensively studied, spearmint has demonstrated numerous benefits in managing PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). As a result, health professionals often recommend incorporating spearmint tea into PCOS treatment plans due to its proven effectiveness and various advantages.

To see all of my PCOS articles, go here.

Benefits of Spearmint tea for PCOS

Spearmint tea has many benefits for individuals with PCOS:

1- Improve Digestive Health

Due to their metabolic and hormonal dysfunctions, women with PCOS frequently have digestive issues and abdominal bloating. In actuality, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) is more likely to develop in women with PCOS. 

The good news is that stomachaches, bloating, and abdominal pain have been alleviated with spearmint tea. 

Therefore, drinking spearmint tea may help ease some of the discomforts you experience after eating if you have PCOS and frequently experience digestive problems.

2- Facial hair in Women- Hirsutism

Spearmint tea has been proven to have antiandrogen effects, which drastically lower testosterone levels and hirsutism( excessive hair growth) in PCOS-afflicted females. 

In addition, it contains anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antioxidant, and anti-diabetic activities. (3)

3- Stress Reduction

M. spicata (spearmint) has been reported to have stress-reducing properties. Additionally, certain compounds found in spearmint, such as rosmarinic acid (Major phenolic compounds), have been associated with anti-stress and anti-anxiety effects.

These compounds may act on the brain’s neurotransmitters to promote relaxation and reduce stress responses.

Note: In South American nations including Colombia,  people choose plant-based medications because they believe they are a natural, secure alternative to pharmaceuticals for treating anxiety. 

Just 1.9% of Colombian patients seek treatment from a psychiatrist for GAD, while 3.9% prefer to use complementary and alternative therapies. People frequently use herbs to cure stress and insomnia in the Colombian Caribbean Coast region. 

4- Aid in Hormones Imbalance/Improve fertility

Numerous studies have shown that LH and FSH levels in PCOS-affected women are frequently abnormal. They are more likely to experience infertility due to their typical irregular menstrual cycles and uneven ovulation.

So, drinking spearmint tea can be a fantastic approach to boost hormonal balance and fertility. Along with lowering blood levels of androgens, or “male” hormones, spearmint also appears to be efficient at balancing levels of LH and FSH, or “female” hormones, in PCOS sufferers. 

For female fertility, LH (luteinizing hormone) and FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) must be at their ideal levels because they are crucial for ovulation, the menstrual cycle, and egg maturity. 

How To make Spearmint Tea for PCOS

  • In a cup, add 1 teaspoon of dried spearmint leaves.
  • After adding the leaves, pour the boiling water over the leaves
  • Steep them for five minutes.
  • Strain the tea, then if desired, add honey or lemon.

I hope your cup of refreshing spearmint tea is enjoyable.


Is spearmint tea good for PCOS?

Yes, PCOS sufferers can benefit from drinking spearmint tea. According to numerous studies, spearmint has anti-androgenic effects, which means it can help lower the body’s levels of androgens (male hormones). Reducing androgen levels may help with the symptoms of PCOS since elevated levels of this hormone are linked to hirsutism (excessive hair growth), acne, and irregular menstrual periods.

How often to drink spearmint tea for PCOS?

spearmint tea is very effective on PCOS-affected women and discovered that frequent use of spearmint tea twice daily reduced free testosterone and boosted luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone.

When is the best time to drink spearmint tea for PCOS?

After meals seem to be the best time to consume spearmint tea for PCOS as it may aid in digestion and reduce bloating. However, as spearmint tea is naturally caffeine-free and won’t interfere with your sleep, you can drink it at any time of day.

But according to some studies, the optimal time to consume spearmint tea for PCOS is during the follicular phase of your menstrual cycle. 

How long does spearmint tea take to work?

Some Redditors reported that it didn’t work for them. If you decide to try it, the general recommendation is to consume at least two cups of spearmint tea daily for at least a month before expecting to see changes in your skin. Keep in mind that it may take your body around 60-90 days to fully adapt and show noticeable results. While it might not guarantee acne improvement for everyone, many individuals experienced benefits like a better complexion and overall improved health.


Spearmint tea is used as a home treatment for a variety of health problems. Its anti-androgenic qualities make it very appealing for disorders like PCOS and hirsutism, where hormones might present problems. Spearmint tea may ease issues like excessive hair growth and irregular periods by lowering testosterone levels and encouraging hormonal balance. Although more research is required to completely understand its efficacy and safety. Spearmint tea’s natural ingredients and lack of caffeine make it a lovely choice for those considering alternative therapies.

I have so many PCOS resources that it would be impossible to include everything in just one article!

I’m passionate about bringing this information into your hands because there is so much noise and misinformation surrounding nutrition and lifestyle changes to treat PCOS with clarity and simplicity.

Work with Sania to learn how 1:1 coaching can help you get rid of period pain, stop experiencing the effects of hormones, and boost your fertility.

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