how to keep the elderly hydrated

How to Keep the Elderly Hydrated | Tips for Dehydration

It can be difficult to recognize the symptoms of thirst in older people because they do not typically feel thirsty as soon as younger people. 

Keep reading to find out signs to watch for and get quick tips to ensure the older people in your life stay hydrated.

What is Dehydration?

As stated by Mayo Clinic, dehydration happens when the amount of fluid leaving the body is greater than the amount being taken in, leading to insufficient water and fluids for the body’s regular functions. 

Due to alterations in our physiology and the way our kidneys work, we become dehydrated faster as we age.

Symptoms of Dehydration in Elderly

Pay attention to the following symptoms if you are providing care for an elderly person, particularly during the summer:

  • Dry mouth and tongue with thick saliva
  • Limb cramping
  • Crying without tears
  • Headaches
  • Body weakness
  • Sleeplessness and irritability
  • Low urine output
  • Dry skin
  • Constipation
  • Wrinkled skin with no elasticity
  • Breathing faster than normal

Quick Dehydration Test

A rapid test for dehydration in your loved one involves lifting the skin on the back of their hand.  Using your thumb and pointer finger, pinch a little area of skin from the back of the hand, raise it, and release it. They are not dehydrated if their skin returns swiftly to the top of their hand.

Benefits of Proper Hydration for the Elderly

1- Optimal Organ Function

Adequate hydration supports the proper functioning of vital organs, including the kidneys, which play a crucial role in filtering waste from the blood.

2- Joint Health

Proper hydration helps maintain the lubrication of joints, reducing the risk of stiffness and discomfort, particularly important for seniors with arthritis or joint issues.

3- Cognitive Well-being

Staying hydrated is linked to better cognitive function and concentration, helping to prevent issues like confusion and memory problems in the elderly.

4- Temperature Regulation

Hydration assists in regulating body temperature, crucial for seniors as they may be more susceptible to temperature-related challenges.

5- Improved Digestion

Ample water intake supports digestion and helps prevent constipation, a common concern for the elderly.

6- Skin Health

Hydrating enough leads to better skin that looks younger and lowers the chance of dryness.

7- Enhanced Medication Effectiveness

Seniors who are well-hydrated have a higher absorption rate of many drugs, which makes prescribed treatments more effective.

8- Enhanced Energy

Well-hydrated people frequently have higher energy levels, which can support daily activities and improve seniors’ overall quality of life.

9- Prevention of Dehydration-Related Complications

Adequate hydration helps prevent dehydration-related complications, such as urinary tract infections and electrolyte imbalances, promoting better long-term health in the elderly.

Advice for Keeping the Elderly Hydrated

These easy-to-follow guidelines can help you effortlessly manage elderly hydration: 

Promote fluid intake

Promote frequent and regular drinking among the older individuals in your life. Ensure that they always have beverages around. 

If they have trouble moving about, get them a reusable water bottle and place it close to their chair or bed. 

Try adding some fruit if they don’t enjoy drinking plain water. Lime, lemon, and berry slices provide a wonderful flavor to water. Cucumbers and mint are two more foods that can improve taste. 

Avoid alcohol, sugary drinks, and caffeine

Consuming excessive amounts of coffee, juice, soda, wine, and other beverages may speed up the dehydration process.

Select foods that are high in water content

Include foods high in water with each meal if you have difficulties staying hydrated. Cucumbers, watermelon, lettuce, strawberries, tomatoes, and celery are a few of these. 

Stems, broths, and soups are also excellent sources of extra fluids, particularly during the winter months. 

Make careful to choose low-sodium options if you’re watching your salt intake.

Include hydration in your daily routine

Make a habit of drinking water at specific times each day to easily turn it into a healthy routine. For instance, drink a glass of water when you wake up in the morning, after every meal, and before and after exercise or activity.

Take action as soon as you notice dehydration symptoms

If the person you are caring for shows early signs of dehydration, give them a bottle of water, Gatorade, Powerade, or coconut water to quickly replenish their electrolytes.


Making sure older adults stay hydrated involves different efforts, like being aware, coming up with creative solutions, and consistently working at it. By knowing the signs of dehydration, using helpful strategies, and getting help from healthcare professionals, we can improve the health and happiness of our elderly loved ones.

Book an appointment at Nutrition by Sania for Personalized Meal Planning, PCOS, Weight Management Issues, Nutrition Advice, and Support.


What is the recommended daily intake of water for the elderly?

Elderly people should try to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water or more each day, however, individual requirements may differ.

Which foods are good sources of water for older people?

Foods high in water content, such as soups, cucumbers, and watermelon, can help you stay hydrated.

Why is it important to keep the elderly hydrated?

Proper hydration is crucial for the overall well-being of the elderly, as it helps maintain bodily functions, supports organ health, and prevents various health issues associated with dehydration.

How can I tell if an elderly person is dehydrated?

Common signs of dehydration in the elderly include dry mouth, dark urine, confusion, dizziness, and low energy. 


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