Progesterone foods

Best Natural Progesterone Foods for Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an unforgettable period that requires close attention to both the well-being of the mother and the growth of the developing kid. During this time, hormones are quite important, and progesterone is one hormone that is particularly critical. 

In order to strengthen the uterine lining, avoid contractions, and promote the general well-being of the fetus, progesterone is crucial for maintaining a healthy pregnancy.

The secret to a successful pregnancy journey may not lie in eating foods that are specifically high in progesterone, but in focusing on nutrients that encourage its synthesis.

progesterone foods for pregnancy

Essential Nutrients – Enhancing Progesterone Production

1- Zinc

Zinc has an impact on a number of vital body organs, including the pituitary and ovaries, which are necessary for the production of progesterone. 

It stimulates follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) production, which in turn induces ovulation and progesterone synthesis.

2- Vitamin B-6

Women trying to conceive frequently take vitamin B6, which helps to increase progesterone levels.

However, some research indicates that elevated blood levels of vitamin B6 can lead to a 50% reduction in miscarriage rates among women.

3- Magnesium

One of the minerals that raise progesterone levels is magnesium because it is crucial for hormone balance. 

This is because it aids in the regulation of the pituitary gland, which releases the hormones FSH, LH, and TSH, which cause the creation of both estrogen and progesterone as well as thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH).

4- Vitamin C 

According to research, women’s progesterone levels significantly rise when they consume vitamin C. 

5- Vitamin E

A potent antioxidant supports hormonal health by aiding in the regulation of hormonal fluctuations. It helps maintain a balanced ratio of estrogen to progesterone, promoting optimal hormone levels..

Foods That Support Progesterone Increase

1- Nuts

Nuts contain vital minerals like zinc and magnesium, making them excellent for boosting progesterone levels. 


Almonds are the perfect symbol for vitamin E. Because it protects progesterone from the harmful effects of estrogen, vitamin E serves as a progesterone-saving agent. It basically balances the harmful effects of estrogen.


It is a source of selenium, which may help the body produce more progesterone.

2- Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is another food that raises progesterone levels. Magnesium is present in dark chocolate, and as previously mentioned, because magnesium can reduce estrogen, this can have a very positive impact on total progesterone.  

3- Poultry

Common poultry options like chicken and turkey are known to raise progesterone levels in the body. These lean meats are a good source of vitamin B6, a necessary water-soluble vitamin that supports the reproductive system.

4- Banana

Bananas serve as a beneficial magnesium source, contributing to the production of the progesterone hormone. Additionally, magnesium helps to manage the pituitary gland, which in turn regulates the hormones that affect progesterone production.

5- Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are another item that raises progesterone levels. These seeds are beneficial because they provide a number of nutrients that help to raise progesterone, including zinc, magnesium, good fats, and protein. 

6- Avocado

Avocados are one of the foods to raise progesterone since they include a lot of beneficial or healthy fats. Healthy fats are unsaturated, which means their fatty acid chains contain at least one double bond. Fewer hydrogen bonds exist in them. 

Fatty acids that have at least two double bonds in their structure are referred to as polyunsaturated fats. It has been demonstrated that eating polyunsaturated fats, a type of healthy fat, is linked to higher levels of progesterone and lower levels of anovulation. 

 Additionally, because hormones are formed of lipids, which are the breakdown product of fat, fat consumption is necessary for hormone production in general. 

7- Ladies’ Finger (Okra)

Okra, also known as bhindi, is rich in magnesium and zinc, two essential elements that are necessary for maintaining the proper balance of progesterone hormones.

Other Ways to Boost Progesterone Levels Naturally

Stress Management 

chronic stress causes the release of the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline, which subsequently causes progesterone levels to drop. Find stress-relieving techniques that are peaceful and encourage relaxation.


Include exercise in your regimen because it not only improves general health but can also help the body produce more progesterone. 

However, it’s crucial to avoid excessive intensity. Choose low-intensity exercises like strolling, cycling, swimming, yoga, and pilates because these relaxing activities help to increase progesterone levels.

Adequate Sleep 

Make sure you get enough sleep and maintain a regular sleeping pattern. This procedure is crucial for controlling progesterone production and preserving appropriate levels. To make sure you get a full eight hours of sleep.

Maintain a healthy weight

Obese or overweight individuals may experience hormonal imbalances and insulin resistance, which can have an impact on ovulation, fertility, and progesterone production.

Maintaining a moderate weight doesn’t directly increase progesterone levels, but it contributes to balancing hormone levels within a healthy range.


To maintain healthy progesterone levels throughout pregnancy, choosing the appropriate foods which are essential for maternal well-being. Essential nutrients like zinc, vitamin B6, magnesium, and vitamin E play an important role in maintaining hormonal equilibrium. Incorporate these foods into your diet for a successful journey:

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What is  progesterone?

The hormone that distinguishes women from men is progesterone, which is mostly generated by the ovaries but it is also little produced by the adrenal glands. It is very important in regulating the menstrual cycle and fertility. 

What are the symptoms of low progesterone?

  • Irregular periods of menstruation.
  • Headaches
  • Difficulty to get pregnancy
  • Changes in mood
  • Anxiety
  • Sleeping Problems
  • Weight increase 
  • Bloating.
  • Fatigue
  • Miscarriage

What is the timeframe for seeing results from natural progesterone therapy?

Everybody has a unique body. However, it would often take a few weeks to a few months to notice any noticeable results from changing one’s lifestyle. 



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