herbal teas for pcos

What is the Best Herbal Tea For PCOS?

Herbal remedies, derived from various plant parts, have been used for centuries as natural solutions for health conditions, including PCOS.

Particularly herbal teas have been more well-liked as a kind and comforting strategy to support PCOS management. These teas are made from plants, seeds, flowers, roots, or fruits excluding the Camellia sinensis plant, which is used to produce traditional teas like black or green tea.

Every herbal tea for PCOS has its own set of possible positive effects, and many have been used usually to balance hormones, reduce inflammation, and make insulin more sensitive.

7 Best Herbal Teas For PCOS

Drinking a cup or two of healthy teas made with a combo of spices, herbs, flowers, or dried fruits provide numerous health benefits. These teas not only boost the immune system but also combat inflammation, which is often the underlying cause of various diseases. 

Moreover, herbal teas have proven effective in managing hormonal disorders like PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.

While herbal teas cannot cure PCOS, some may have several benefits in managing PCOS’s symptoms and promoting overall well-being. Here are seven major herbal teas known for their potential benefits in PCOS management:

1- Spearmint Tea

If you are suffering from high testosterone levels, hirsutism (excess facial or back hair), and ovulation difficulties, Add spearmint tea to your daily routine. It is very beneficial for you. This herbal tea promotes ovulation and helps reduce androgen levels. Click here to read more about Spearmint Tea.


Spearmint Leaves
Honey (According to your taste)


1- In a cup, add 1 teaspoon of dried spearmint leaves.
2- After adding the leaves, pour the boiling water over the leaves
3- Steep them for five minutes.
4- Strain the tea, then if desired, add honey or lemon and serve it.

Important Note: Enjoy a cup of spearmint tea each morning for potential positive effects.

 2- Licorice Root Tea

Yet another beneficial herbal tea for PCOS is licorice root tea. A decrease in serum testosterone levels was observed after daily licorice consumption for two cycles in a small trial including nine women, aged 22 to 26. (1)

However, it’s important to note that these testosterone levels returned to their original levels after discontinuing the licorice intake. Acne and hirsutism are two frequent PCOS symptoms that can be brought on by high testosterone levels.

 If you have low blood pressure or low cortisol levels, use this licorice root tea, it’s very helpful. 


Water (2 – 3 cups)
Dried licorice root (1-2 inch ) 

Honey (As Your Taste)


1- Boil water in a saucepan.
2- Add licorice root to the boiling water.
3- Continue boiling for 10 minutes.
4- Pour the brewed tea into a teapot.
5- Add honey if you want.
6- Serve and enjoy your soothing licorice root tea.

Important Note: Do not consume more than one cup of licorice tea per day, as excessive intake can lead to elevated blood pressure.

3- Cinnamon Tea

One of the most popular spices in the kitchen, cinnamon also has incredible therapeutic benefits.

Strong anti-diabetic properties exist in cinnamon. You may be able to lower your blood sugar levels using it. It reduces insulin resistance and avoids post-meal blood sugar rises.

Several PCOS symptoms can be managed with cinnamon. Along with lowering blood sugar levels, it can assist in menstrual cycle regularization. Therefore, adding cinnamon tea to the diet is a simple way for women to get rid of the symptoms of  PCOS.

Cinnamon has chemicals that are good for the heart and helps to minimize inflammation. Additionally, it raises good cholesterol levels and reduces levels of bad cholesterol in the body.

Additionally, some research indicates that cinnamon may help control PMS symptoms because it has antioxidants.


cinnamon sticks or 2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon
2 cups of water
Honey (optional)


1- In a saucepan, add the water and cinnamon sticks (or ground cinnamon).
2- Bring the water to a boil and reduce the heat to low and let the cinnamon simmer for about 5 minutes. If using ground cinnamon, you can simmer for a shorter duration (around 2-3 minutes) as it releases its flavor faster.
3- After simmering, turn off the heat and let the cinnamon steep for an additional 5 minutes. This will allow the flavors to infuse fully into the water.
4- If you want a sweeter taste, you can add honey.
Pour the cinnamon tea into your teapot or directly into cups.
Sip and enjoy this soothing and health-promoting cinnamon tea.

4- Ginger Tea

Ginger includes essential components such as gingerol, shogaol, paradol, and zingerone that can help reduce inflammation and ease period discomfort. 

Additionally, it has powerful antiviral, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties that strengthen the immune system, making it particularly beneficial for individuals with PCOS.

Click here to read my more articles related to PCOS.

Ginger helps to balance female hormones. It has an excellent impact on symptoms including cramps, mood swings, and headaches because of its anti-inflammatory characteristics. 


Ginger (Sliced)
Lemon (optional)
Honey (optional)

1- Thinly slice fresh ginger.
2- In a pan, add ginger to fresh water.
3- Bring it to a boil over high heat.
4- Lower the heat to maintain a gentle simmer.
5- Simmer for five minutes (or up to 10 minutes for stronger flavor).
6- Pour the tea through a fine sieve to strain out the ginger.
Optionally, serve with a thin round of lemon for complementary acidity.
7- You can also add a light droplet of honey or maple syrup to balance the ginger flavor.

Important Note: Both morning and evening are ideal times to drink ginger tea. 

5- Dandelion Root Tea

Dandelion root is a well-known herb that has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine to cleanse the liver.

Dandelion is quite helpful in treating PCOS symptoms since it rids the hepatic tissues of harmful free radicals, extra fat, and lingering hormones. 

Cinnamon has antihyperglycemic qualities that reduce blood sugar levels, promote insulin secretion, work, and manage diabetes. 

Jaggery, which is rich in iron as well as some important minerals and antioxidants, boosts energy metabolism, enhances mood, and prevents the weariness associated with PCOS.


5 tsp dandelion root pieces, dried
1 cinnamon stick
2 tsp jaggery powder


1- Take water in a vessel and place the dried dandelion roots at the bottom. Boil the water to release the beneficial plant extracts.
2- Add a cinnamon stick and jaggery powder to the boiling water, then let it simmer for 20 – 30 minutes.
3- Turn off the flame and strain the dandelion root tea with the strainer.
4- Pour the tea into mugs and serve it 
5- Enjoy its wonderful flavors and potential health benefits.

6- Red Reishi Tea

A mushroom known as an adaptogen, red reishi aids the body in adjusting to stress. A fantastic herbal tea for PCOS, it is demonstrated to have anti-androgenic actions, which means it may help to reduce androgens like testosterone.

An enzyme called 5-alpha reductase, which aids in the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is reduced by red reishi. Acne and hair loss are linked to high DHT levels.


8 cups of Fresh Filtered Water
Red reishi (¼ oz)
Ginger Slices (Optional)


1- Firstly, tear the dry Reishi into small pieces (approximately 1/2″ to 1″) with your hand.
2- The fresh filtered water should be added to a stainless steel saucepan with a heavy bottom. 
3- Add thin slices of fresh ginger, if you want. 
Increase the heat and bring to a boil. 
4- Reduce heat to medium and simmer for 30 to 1 hour, stirring occasionally. Before eating, strain out the Reishi pieces and let them cool. Enjoy!

Important Note: The strength of the tea increases with simmering time. Consume no more than one cup every day for no longer than a month. 

7- Rosehip Tea

According to the Nutrition and Food Science journal, rosehip tea may ease menstrual cramps.  According to the study, drinking rosehip tea twice daily was linked to less severe PMS symptoms, including anxiety and cramping. Rosehips offer anti-inflammatory qualities that help with relieving pain. Drinking rosehip tea may alleviate the body’s inflammation.


Rosehip (Dries or Fresh)


1- Rosehip tea can be prepared in various ways, but the most common and simple method involves stepping rosehip in hot water for approximately 20 minutes and then straining the liquid.

Important Note: If you’re in a hurry, you can make rosehip tea using tea bags from the supermarket. This tea bag has dried rosehip that has been crushed inside. Put boiling water in a mug or teapot. Steep a rosehip tea bag in it for 5 to 10 minutes, then drink it Add Honey if you want to sweeten the taste.


Herbal teas are an effective and organic method of treating PCOS symptoms. These teas have a long history of being used as traditional remedies and have been used for many years to treat a variety of health problems. Spearmint, cinnamon, and licorice root herbal teas have demonstrated potential in lowering testosterone levels, treating hirsutism, and assisting with ovulation management. 

Their anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting abilities can also improve general health. However, before introducing herbal teas into your regimen, it is imperative to get advice from a healthcare provider, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or are taking medication. Adopting herbal teas as part of a comprehensive strategy for PCOS management can enhance well-being and quality of life.

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